Friday, June 11, 2010

Midsummer Night 2oons Screening Re-cap

I'd like to thank everyone who came out to the screening.
The event was a huge success & its thanks to all of you...
Here's the outro I animated for the show:

I also handled the Color Design for Mike Carlo's film,
Honestly, I worked much harder and I'm prouder of the work I put in, and turned out on his film than my Outro.
Here are some of my favorite colored BG's:
Being part of Midsummer Night 2oons, was easily one of the most positive experiences in my NYC animation career. Since my Outro never had any credits I'd like to first thank Matt Doomin' LEE for asking me to contibute what little he could pull out of me. Mike Carlo for asking me to color his amazing film, BQE Productions..! Joey Capps & Gary Doodles for making great films & supporting all the artists involved...